Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland

Medieval Deeds in the Guild of St Anne Collection

The Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Library and the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland are launching a new project focused on the medieval deeds of the Guild of St. Anne. These important records, dating from the 13th to the 18th century, shed light on Dublin’s social and civic history, including the roles of women and the distribution of wealth and power in medieval times.

The collaboration between the RIA, the Irish Manuscripts Commission (IMC), and VRTI will involve digitising over 800 original deeds and making them freely accessible online at The project also includes an English-language calendar of the deeds created by Ludwig Bieler, providing detailed summaries of the Latin originals.

Footer manuscripts

This initiative will open new avenues for researchers, offering insights into Dublin’s urban governance, family dynamics, and economic life during the Middle Ages.

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Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 4:25 PM

Lynn Kilgallon