Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland

Terms and Conditions


The Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland is committed to open research. We seek to ensure that the data and technologies used in the project are as accessible as possible to all users. This means that we use non-proprietary software which has the original source code freely available, and may be redistributed and modified as required.

Open Source

The project source code is available under an MIT License. This is a software license that was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It permits programmers to combine and redistribute it with software that uses the MIT License

Open Access

The digital content within the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland, including metadata and digital images, is available unless otherwise indicated under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial):

The full licence is available here:

The licence is also compatible with he UK Open Government Licence.

Digital images contributed by archival partners are available under the same non-commercial and with attribution licence, unless otherwise stipulated in the image metadata. 

The licence is granted under the following terms:

  • Appropriate Credit: if supplied, the licensee must provide the names and attribution of the creator and attribution parties (including the contributing repository, library or archive whose physical materials are available here in digital form), a copyright notice, license notice, a disclaimer notice, and a link to the material.
  • Indicate if changes were made.

CC-By-NC 4.0 is a non-commercial with attribution licence, compatible with Irish government Open Data policies. CC-By-NC 4.0 is also compatible with the UK Open Government Licence 3.0 (OGLv3.0) and the Open Data commons Attribution License, both of which license copyright and database rights.  

Other External Data Sources

External data sources will be ingested into the Knowledge Graph for Irish History. The project ensures that the traceability of any data/third-party data that is accessible within the Knowledge Graph. The graph data is licenced under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial).