Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland

Recovered from the Flames – Event in Derry Guildhall

Image above courtesy of David Dickson.

On Wednesday 19 June, Dr Ciarán Wallace (Deputy Academic Director and Public Engagement Lead, VRTI) and Dr Timothy Murtagh (VRTI Research Fellow in Archival Discovery at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland) gave a series of lectures at the Guildhall, Derry.  Alongside Stephen Scarth (Head of Public Services, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland), topics discussed ranged from State Records 1760–1830 and the history of collecting archives at PRONI.

Dr. Ciarán Wallace: “Ireland’s public records: destruction and recovery,” speaking at ‘Recovered from the Flames: Reconstructing the lost records of 1922’ in Derry’s Guildhall. Photo courtesy of Derry City & Strabane District Council.

Dr Timothy Murtagh: Rumour, Riot and Rebellion: the state records 1760-1830 speaking in the Derry’s Guildhall. Photo courtesy of Derry City & Strabane District Council.

Stephen Scarth, Head of Public Services, PRONI, presenting “PRONI: A century of collecting archives, 1924-2024” in Derry’s Guildhall. Photo courtesy of Ciarán Wallace.

Mayor Lilian Seenoi Barr also joined the event and made some remarks.

Mayor Lillian Seenoi-Barr addressing the attendees at Wednesday’s ‘Recovered from the Flames: Reconstructing the lost records of 1922’ in the city’s Guildhall. Photo courtesy of Derry City & Strabane District Council.


Thursday, 20 June 2024, 12:00 PM

Jean-Philippe SanGiovanni