Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
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VRTI MedEx 3/1447/3
Indenture between Padraig O'More (Ó Mordha) [O Moore] and John Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury

Content Date
Medieval Exchequer Gold Seam research team
Scope & Content
A translation of TNA E 30/1559.
Descriptive Elements
Document RepositoryVirtual Record Treasury of Ireland
Reference CodeVRTI MedEx 3/1447/3
Source Format Printed
Source Grade Translation

Content Date: 15/02/1447

TitleIndenture between Padraig O'More (Ó Mordha) [O Moore] and John Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury
Creator Medieval Exchequer Gold Seam research team
Level Of DescriptionFile
Extent And MediumTEI/XML translation
Archival HistoryA calendar of this document was published by Paul Dryburgh and Brendan Smith in Handbook and select calendar of sources for medieval Ireland in the National Archives of the United Kingdom (Dublin, 2004).
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VRTI MedEx 3/1447/3
Indenture between Padraig O'More (Ó Mordha) [O...

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VRTI MedEx 3/1447/3

Indenture between Padraig O'More (Ó Mordha) [O Moore] and John Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury

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VRTI MedEx 3/1447/3, 'Indenture between Padraig O'More (Ó Mordha) [O Moore] and John Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury'. Accessed on Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland <> (21 January 2025). Repository: Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland.

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VRTI MedEx 3/1447/3, 'Indenture between Padraig O'More (Ó Mordha) [O Moore] and John Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury', accessed on VRTI (21 January 2025).

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