Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
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NAI CSO/REB/620/31/197
Brig. General Eyre Coote, Bandon to General Dalrymple... [Monday, 3 July 1797]

Content Date
Chief Secretary's Office
Scope & Content
Brig. General Eyre Coote, Bandon to General Dalrymple stating that the copy depositions already forwarded to him and to the Government give full details of the business at Bandon. The plot was a very bad one and the bulk of the inhabitants were concerned. they seduced many soldiers and were resolved to secure the cannon ammunition &c and kill the officers. John Daly assisted by sergeant Taylor, both of the Limerick St. Company, was the means of discovering the plot. Thirty inhabitants and as many soldiers were arrested. Over 100 soldiers took advantage of the pardon offered on the 23rd June. In quelling this general attempt to corrupt H. M. soldiers and rise in a body ,Col. Monsell of the 2nd F.C. was of essential assistance.
Descriptive Elements
Document RepositoryNational Archives, Ireland
Reference CodeNAI CSO/REB/620/31/197
Source Format Handwritten
Source Grade Original

Created: 03/07/1797

Content Date: 03/07/1797

TitleBrig. General Eyre Coote, Bandon to General Dalrymple... [Monday, 3 July 1797]
Creator Chief Secretary's Office
Level Of DescriptionItem
Extent And Medium1 item of correspondence, paper
Archival HistoryCorrespondence from the 'Rebellion Papers' collection concerning the 1798 rebellion, originally held within the records of the Chief Secretary of Ireland and now in the National Archives, Ireland.
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NAI CSO/REB/620/31/197
Brig. General Eyre Coote, Bandon to General...

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NAI CSO/REB/620/31/197

Brig. General Eyre Coote, Bandon to General Dalrymple... [Monday, 3 July 1797]

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NAI CSO/REB/620/31/197, 'Brig. General Eyre Coote, Bandon to General Dalrymple... [Monday, 3 July 1797]'. Accessed on Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland <> (4 January 2025). Repository: National Archives, Ireland.

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NAI CSO/REB/620/31/197, 'Brig. General Eyre Coote, Bandon to General Dalrymple... [Monday, 3 July 1797]', accessed on VRTI (4 January 2025).

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