Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
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TNA HO 100/54/128
Camden to Portland

Content Date
Home Office
Scope & Content

Camden to Portland. ‘I have the honor to transmit herewith to your grace, a letter dated the 8th instant, which has been received and laid before me from the Commander in Chief, inclosing one from Major General John Whyte, stating that the regiments of infantry to be inspected by him, mentioned in the margin are to embark for the West Indies in the autumn, as it will be necessary they should have clothing fit for that climate, desiring to know how these regiments are to be supplied with such clothing, and if he is to give them orders for that purpose when he inspects them, and I am to desire your grace will be pleased to lay the said letters before His Majesty, and signify to me His Majesty’s pleasure thereupon’.

Descriptive Elements
Document RepositoryThe National Archives (UK)
Reference CodeTNA HO 100/54/128
Source Format Handwritten

Created: 13/05/1795

Content Date: 13/05/1795

TitleCamden to Portland
Creator Home Office
Level Of DescriptionItem
Archival HistoryHO 100 uses a stamped foliation within each volume of the series. This number is used here to form the final element of the item reference code, corresponding to the foliated number at the top of the page where the item begins in the manuscript
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TNA HO 100/54/128
Camden to Portland

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TNA HO 100/54/128

Camden to Portland

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