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PROI M 3/429
Christ Church Deed no. 429

Content Date
Content Date
31 Hen VIII
Robert Paynswick, alias Castell, prior of Christ Church (1537-39, dean, 1539-43) and Christopher Plunket of Dunsoghly
Scope & Content
429 (351). Exemplification of a petition, writ of dedimus potestatem, and the examinations thereunder. The Prior of Christ Church, Dublin [Robert Paynswick, alias Castell (1537-39, dean, 1539-43)], stating that John Kerdyff sold Moche Cabbraghe, co. Dublin, to justice Plunket, who granted it to Holy Trinity church, and that Walter Kerdyff, son of the said John, now second justice of the King's Common Place, sues the occupiers thereof; prays a writ of dedimus potestatem to examine Christopher Plunket of Dunsoghly, son and heir of the said justice Plunket. On the 6th July, 31 Henry VIII, Christopher Plunket of Dunsoghly deposed that Edward Caddell of Harbartstown and Richard Pentney informed deponent that the said John had sold Moche Cabbraghe to his father, the justice, and that Sir Richard Rogere, chaplain, in the priest's chamber in Dunsoghly where he was at school, had stated to him that his father had purchased 20 nobles a year. Deponent further stated that archbishop [William] Rouckesbe [Rokeby (1512-21)] was informed by justice Plunket that all his lands had been purchased truly. (English). Dated at Dublin 10 July, 31 Henry VIII (1539).
Descriptive Elements
Document RepositoryPublic Record Office of Ireland (Reconstruction of Collections Destroyed, 1922)
Reference CodePROI M 3/429
Source Format Born Digital
Source Grade Destroyed

Content Date: 10/07/1539

Content Date: 31 Hen VIII

TitleChrist Church Deed no. 429
Creator Robert Paynswick, alias Castell, prior of Christ Church (1537-39, dean, 1539-43) and Christopher Plunket of Dunsoghly
Level Of DescriptionItem
Archival HistorySee Ball for Judges.
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PROI M 3/429
Christ Church Deed no. 429

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PROI M 3/429

Christ Church Deed no. 429

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PROI M 3/429, 'Christ Church Deed no. 429'. Accessed on Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland <> (4 January 2025). Repository: Public Record Office of Ireland (Reconstruction of Collections Destroyed, 1922).

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PROI M 3/429, 'Christ Church Deed no. 429', accessed on VRTI (4 January 2025).

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