A Century of Recovery – and Beyond - Marking the centenary of the Four Courts fire (1922) and the launch of the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland

13 The Digital Experience The Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland is now accessible through www.virtualtreasury.ie . Here you can learn about the history of the Public Record Office of Ireland, explore image and video galleries, read about the manuscripts and documents that filled the shelves, and immerse yourself in a 3D virtual experience of the PROI. The research platform allows you to access rare surviving manuscripts rescued from the rubble a century ago and now conserved and digitized. Browse and search thousands of records once thought lost, but digitally reconstructed here through the copies and other replacement records identified in archives around the world. Examine metadata for all the documents lost in the fire, those which have been fully or partially reconstructed, and those yet to be rediscovered. As the work continues, further discoveries will be made available.